Hi again!
Thanks for popping by!
I wanted to show you a couple of pet baskets I have done for people.
They are pretty popular!
This first one was for a young girl's ferret. His name was Spencer!
I did a lot of research to be sure i only got things
that a ferret would enjoy!
It is hard to see in the photo...but there is an awesome striped tent in there and a very fluffy striped bed to match!
While doing this one...I wanted a ferret!!
I like to label and 'personalize' the goodies!
The next one was for two kittens. Jasmine & Meeka. So I doubled up on a lot of the items! I included a mug for the 'HUMAN' haha
The next photo is the kitten basket in the middle and a chinchilla basket on the left and a hedgehog basket on the right!
Here is a close up of a goodie (rawhide) for the hedgehog!
Well...that was fun!!
I really enjoy doing these baskets for people. Everyone loves their "pet"!!!
I have added this to..Free Pretty Things...
Take care and come again!!